Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Indian Resistance Day

Last Monday was "Columbus Day" or "Day of the Race", as called in Latin America. Since 2002, under the government of Hugo Chávez Frías, the name of this national holiday was changed to the "Indian Resistance Day".The celebration of the arrival of Columbus and the 
birth of the latin american culture and race was changed to a holiday of 
unnecessary guilt, rage and violence.
"Columbus Day" should be a celebration of the birth of our culture, the mix 
of the west, the Native-Americans and the Africans. Columbus brought 
with him the European culture and ideas that produced the end of immoral 
practices like slavery, which existed among Indians, 
in the continent and the acknowledgement of the rights of the individual.
So, shall we feel guilt? no, we have nothing to do with the Spanish invaders
that killed and oppressed Native-Americans.
Shall we destroy Columbus' statues, as adepts of Chavez's government 
did in 2004, with irrational rage? absolutely no! because his voyages 
(and the discovery of Venezuela in the 3rd one) are the reason of our 
culture, freedom and individual rights

1 comment:

  1. Great to see objectivism is alive in Venezuela.

    I've been three or four times since 2004... My perception is of a marvelous, beautiful country that's unfortunately being looted to death by the chavista hordes. And the saddest thing is, it's a "road to serfdom" that was voluntarily elected by venezuelans... Hope they wake up and free from the collectivist yoke... as they should do in Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina (my own country), Nicaragua and so many others.

    What a wonderful Wyatt Torch could be made with the looted Venezuelan oil fields...

    I'll be linking to you from El Opinador. Best regards and good luck.
